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Fiery Sun

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Mandala HeArt


About Us

We are a team dedicated to creating and designed energy stones that promote holistic well-being and balance of mind, body, and spirit.​ At Mandala HeArt, we combine the transformative energy of mandalas with holistic practices to empower individuals on their journey toward self-discovery and enlightenment.


Our focus is to harness the universal energy of Power, nurture inner Wisdom, and guide you toward spiritual Enlightenment. Whether through personalized energy stones, healing sessions, or intuitive guidance, Mandala HeArt is here to help you align your mind, body, and spirit, unlocking the potential for growth and balance within.​


About Mandala HeArt Energy Stone

Our Mandala HeArt Energy Stone is a masterpiece that connects with universal energy. Crafted with the cross-generational energy matrix method, it transcends the boundaries of time and space, embodying a unique personality and profound healing properties.


Most importantly, the healing energy in Mandala HeArt Energy Stone is ETERNAL. It enables the infinite exploration of your potential and helps you break through life's barriers. As a family heirloom, it can pass on multidimensional energy to future generations.



The benefits of Mandala HeArt Energy Stone for Five Elements and Health


The primary function of the Mandala HeArt Energy Stone is to balance the energy of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements within yourself, improving your overall well-being. The Five Elements correspond to the five major organs:



金=肺 (Metal = Lungs)

木=肝 (Wood = Liver)

水=肾 (Water = Kidneys)

火=心 (Fire = Heart)

土=胃 (Earth = Stomach)

Once the kidneys achieve balance between Yin and Yang, the Water element within the Five Elements will be balanced, leading to improved health.

If one or more of your Elements falls out of balance, you may experience emotional problems and health challenges. For example, an imbalance in the Water Element may result in weak kidneys, poor sleep quality, an unstable emotional state, feelings of scarcity, fear, and insecurity. Kidney deficiency also indicates that the (Yin) energy is dominant and needs to be replenished by (Yang) energy. Once the kidneys are balanced between Yin and Yang, overall health will improve, and the Water Element will also return to balance.


How to balance our Five Elements?


By wearing a Mandala HeArt Energy Stone, the energy of the universe will align your body, mind, and spirit. During this process of energy alignment, you may experience certain sensations, which we refer to as the 'Adaptation Period.' The length of the adaptation period varies from person to person. Typically, a healthy person may experience a shorter adaptation period (or may not feel anything at all). Those with weaker bodies may feel warmth, improved blood circulation, better sleep, reduced nighttime urination, emotional stability, and more. The adaptation period is actually a reflection of the 'cycle of the Five Elements,' gradually improving our physical condition so that we can achieve better health and higher wisdom.


The energy of the Mandala HeArt Energy Stone will flow into your body to heal and balance the five elements:


1. (Earth) The energy will focus on the stomach, harmonizing the Yin and Yang energies within this organ. As a result, you may experience improved appetite and digestion. Those who have had stomach issues in the past might notice a slight increase in stomach acid. Additionally, you may enjoy better sleep quality with reduced nighttime urination. Simultaneously, the energy will balance the Yin and Yang of the spleen, enhancing its function. This improvement can strengthen your immunity, reducing the frequency of minor illnesses such as colds and fevers.


2. (Fire) The energy will focus on the heart, harmonizing the Yin and Yang energies within this organ. During this period, you may experience a temporary increase in blood pressure, improved blood circulation, and heightened emotional intensity or assertiveness. As the energy flows smoothly, it will be carried by the blood throughout your body, creating a sensation of warmth. Please note that if there are any blockages in your body, you might feel mild pain in those areas. Gently massaging the affected spots can help provide natural relief. These painful areas may indicate underlying health conditions, offering insight into your overall well-being. We encourage you to remain attentive to your body's signals and respond accordingly.



3. (Wood) After the blood drives the energy, the liver becomes activated, initiating the detoxification process. Those who frequently stay up late or smoke are more likely to experience sensations of inner heat, slight skin sensitivity, and dryness or thirst on the tongue. The energy works to restore and balance the liver's function, gradually aiding the elimination of toxins from the body. During this period, it is important to drink plenty of water and consume more fruits and vegetables to support the detoxification process. You may feel sleepy during the day, experience warmth, and be more prone to irritability. At night, you might feel especially tired and should aim to go to bed early to allow your body to detoxify effectively.


4. (Water) The energy will focus on the kidneys, restoring and balancing the Yin and Yang energies within this organ. During this time, your body heat will decrease, and your mental health will show noticeable improvement. You may feel more energetic, find it easier to stay focused throughout the day, and require less sleep. You will likely feel calm, speak less, and act more decisively. This period may also bring an abundance of inspiration and creativity, enhancing your productivity and efficiency in work and other activities.


5. (Metal) Lastly, the energy will focus on the lungs, bringing a sense of peace and relaxation. Your lung capacity will improve, leaving you feeling more energetic and refreshed. This stage supports overall enhancement of your mental health and emotional well-being. You may notice superior focus and increased work efficiency during this time. This final stage is the shortest and often works with the (Water) to support energy recovery and balance, completing the process of holistic restoration.



Adaptation Period

In brief, you will go through 3 seasons to adapt to the energy of Mandala HeArt Energy Stone.

​简单来说,凡佩戴曼陀罗之心能量石, 您将会经历三个阶段的适应期。


1st Stage: Hot Season

The energy will flow into your body, with (Earth) serving as the central zone to promote the flow of energy for healing. During this stage, the energy will focus on (Earth), (Fire), and (Wood) to restore balance and facilitate recovery.

​第一阶段: 热季

能量进入体内,以 (土)为能量中心区域来进行全身能量运行。第一阶段能量运行(土)(火)(木)进行修复与平衡。

Image by Paul Pastourmatzis

2nd Stage: Cool Season

(Earth) remains the central energy zone. In this stage, the energy will focus on (Water), (Earth), and (Metal) to promote recovery and balance.



Image by Arno Smit

3rd Stage: Harmony Season

All five elements have been healed. Your body, mind, and soul will be aligned, allowing you to access your subconscious mind through dreams, which reflect your inner self. Now is the time to face, overcome, and heal what lies within. If you’ve tried to avoid or run from it, it’s time to confront it once again. By overcoming these hidden challenges, your life will be better than ever before.



Mandala HeArt Energy Stone Care Tips


Avoid High Temperatures & Humidity 避免高温和湿气

  • Keep your stone away from excessive heat and direct sunlight. 能量石需远离过高的温度和直射的阳光,

  • Avoid wearing it in saunas, hot showers, or humid environments, as extreme temperatures can weaken the stone. 避免在桑拿、热水浴或潮湿环境中佩戴,极端温度可能会削弱石材。


Prevent Scratching & Friction 防止刮擦和摩擦

  • The stone can be scratched or chipped if not handled carefully. 请小心处理能量石,避免刮擦或破损。

  • Store it separately in a soft pouch or lined jewelry box to prevent surface damage. 将其 单独存放 在 柔软的小袋子 或 有衬垫的珠宝盒 中,以防止表面损伤。

  • Remove before exercising, carrying heavy bags, or engaging in activities that cause friction. 在运动、携带重物或从事可能造成摩擦的活动时,请取下能量石。


Keep Away from Chemicals 避免接触化学物质

  • Remove before swimming or showering as chlorine can damage the stone. 在游泳或洗澡时,请取下能量石。

  • Avoid contact with perfumes, lotions, hairsprays, and cleaning agents. 避免与香水、护肤霜、发胶和清洁剂接触。


Clean Properly 正确清洁

  • Rinsing the Mandala HeArt Energy Stone with water helps demagnetize and cleanse it. The best types of water for cleansing are: 用水冲洗 Mandala HeArt 能量石可以帮助其去磁和清洁。最佳的水源包括:

1) Mountain water (most effective) 山泉水(最有效)

2) River water 河水

3) Mineral water 矿泉水

4) Tap water (if other sources are unavailable) 自来水(如果没有其他水源)

  • After rinsing, gently wipe with a soft, lint-free cloth to dry. Avoid abrasive cleaners or brushes. 冲洗后,请用柔软、不掉毛的布轻轻擦干。避免使用 磨损性清洁剂或刷子。


Recharge & Restore 充能与恢复

  • The Mandala HeArt Energy Stone is equipped with a self-adjusting function designed to recharge and restore automatically. 能量石具备自我调整功能,可以自动充能和恢复。

  • If you wish to manually replenish the stone’s energy, place it in moonlight for 15 minutes on the 14th, 15th, and 16th days of the lunar calendar. 若您想手动充能,请将其放置在月光下15分钟 (农历 14、15、16 日。)


Handle with Care 小心使用

  • The Mandala HeArt Energy Stone is meticulously handcrafted, with designs that embody craftsmanship and unique energy. If you are seeking flawless, mass-produced industrial products, please choose with caution. It is recommended to avoid allowing others to casually touch your Energy Stone. 每一件能量石均为精心手工制作,设计蕴含匠心与独特的能量。如果您追求完美无瑕的工业制品,请谨慎选择。我们建议避免让他人随意触摸您的能量石。

Frequently Asked Questions

1/ Why the Mandala HeArt Energy Stone has energy? 为什么曼陀罗之心能量石有能量?

We are authorized by the source of energy to channel Sun Energy into the Mandala HeArt Energy Stone. This makes our energy stones truly unique, capable of legally harnessing multidimensional frequencies, and highly effective for self-discovery and enlightenment.


In simple terms, every one of us possesses an unseen 'life force energy' that flows through our bodies. The Mandala HeArt Energy Stone is specifically designed to serve as a 'channel,' facilitating the harmonious flow of this energy.


The primary materials used in the Mandala HeArt Energy Stone are natural gemstones, ores, and crystals. To guarantee exceptional quality, Redcore Master harnesses spiritual insight to meticulously detect and identify gemstones of the highest energy. Aligned with the Law of Balance (Universal Laws), we carefully curate the finest materials with precision and intention. By harmonizing elements of Yin and Yang and integrating the principles of the Five Elements, we artfully combine and design these materials to craft energy stones that embody perfect "balance." This meticulous process ensures their effectiveness and seamless compatibility with the human body.

What sets the Mandala HeArt Energy Stone apart from a natural crystal? The distinction is clear: while natural crystals serve as one of the foundational raw materials, the Mandala HeArt Energy Stone is a masterpiece of intentional design and energy alignment. It possesses the unique ability to:

  • Harmonize the energies of Sun and Earth.

  • Foster a continuous flow of life force energy.

  • Restore balance between Yin and Yang, and the Five Elements.

  • Align the chakras and enhance the aura.

  • Harmonize body, mind, and spirit.

  • Promote overall physical and mental well-being.

  • Guide you on the path to discovering your "true self."

  • Support deep meditation and facilitate the healing process.

  • Unlock the infinite potential within you.

  • Empower you to overcome life's challenges and barriers.

我们经由能量源头的授权,将太阳核心能量注入 Mandala HeArt 能量石。这使得我们的能量石独一无二,能够合法地运用多维频率,并在自我探索与灵性启迪方面具有高度的效果。


能量石的主要材料为天然宝石、矿石和水晶。为了确保卓越品质,Redcore Master 利用自身灵性修为,细致地检测和识别高能量的宝石。遵循平衡法则(宇宙法则),我们精心筛选最优质的材料,精准地进行搭配设计。通过调和阴阳和五行元素,我们巧妙地融合与运用这些材料,打造出“平衡”,安全有效,且能完美与人体契合的天地能量石。

依然有人会问,能量石与天然水晶有什么不同呢?答案显而易见:天然水晶只是设计能量石的基础原材料之一,而能量石则是经过 Redcore Master 精心设计,并合法衔接太阳核心能量的艺术品。每一枚都具备独特的能力:

  • 高效链接太阳核心与地球核心能量。

  • 促进生命能量的持续流动。

  • 恢复阴阳与五行之间的平衡。

  • 调整脉轮,增强气场。

  • 协调身心灵的和谐。

  • 促进身心健康。

  • 引导您发现“真我”。

  • 支持深度冥想,促进疗愈过程。

  • 激发您内在的无限潜能。

  • 助您突破生活中的障碍与挑战。



2 / How to choose a right Mandala HeArt Energy Stone? 如何挑选适合自己的曼陀罗之心能量石?

When you are choosing a Mandala HeArt Energy Stone, the stone is choosing its owner also. Listen to your inner voice, you will get your answer. Feel free to contact us if you need any assistance. Thanks.



3 / What do the grades of energy mean? 如何区分能量等级?

The energy grades starting from: Entry Level --> Beginner Level --> Moderate --> Elite --> Master --> Brilliant. 

Note: Please select your Mandala HeArt Stone based on your needs. "Suitable" is the key, you should choose the one that fits you best.

能量等级排列顺序为: Entry Level (入门级)--> Beginner Level (初级) --> Moderate (中等级)--> Elite (精英级)--> Master (大师级)--> Brilliant (辉煌级)。镇店之宝的能量等级是超凡的纯在,属于 Treasure (珍宝收藏级)。


4 / Is it normal to have some special reactions when wearing the Mandala HeArt Energy Stone? 佩戴期间出现特殊感应是否正常?

Young children and people with spiritual practice background are more likely to feel the energy from the Mandala HeArt Energy Stone. It is very common and totally safe to have reactions such as hot feeling, electric shock sensation, or vibration of the stone.


5 / Is the Mandala HeArt Energy Stone related to religion? 请问曼陀罗之心天地能量石和宗教有关联吗?

The main material of the Mandala HeArt Energy Stone is Earth's mineral, from Mother Nature. Energy belongs to Mother Nature also. The Mandala HeArt Energy Stone belongs to Mother Nature, not religion.

Anyone can safely wear the Mandala HeArt Energy Stone, regardless of your religion. We can use the stone like a "auxiliary device" of our human body, which can enhance our energy transmission feelings.


6 / Is the Mandala HeArt Energy Stone related to meditation or spiritual practice? 请问曼陀罗之心能量石和灵修有关联吗?

The energy of the Mandala HeArt Energy Stone belongs to Mother Nature. Everyone can safely wear the stone (with or without spiritual practice). For those who interested, our stone can effectively support your psychic energy, your stability, and resilience. We are always here, to support your spiritual enlightenment & awakening.


7 / Can I send the Mandala HeArt Energy Stone as a gift for others? 请问我可以把曼陀罗之心能量石当成礼物送给关心的人吗?

Yes. Everyone can safely wear a Mandala HeArt Energy Stone. Please feel free to contact us if you need help in selecting a stone.


8 / Can I send a "Preloved" Mandala HeArt Energy Stone as a gift for others?


Yes. Please kindly clean your preloved stone with water to demagnetize the stone before sending out.



Eco Friendly


Safety First

Feeling safe and secure.

We care about you and our mother of nature.



Shop Policies


We ship from Singapore or Malaysia with tracking number. Local order normally take 2 to 3 days to arrive. International order normally takes 1 to 3 weeks to arrive, depends on custom checking and your local mail service.

  • Delivery time may take longer during holiday seasons or due to custom delays, etc. Your understanding and patience is greatly appreciated.

Customs and import taxes: 

Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply. We are not responsible for delays due to customs.

Returns, refunds or exchanges:

We accept returns, refunds or exchanges only if you contact us within 3 days of delivery and able to dispatch items back within 7 days of delivery.

  • Please take note that only 90% will be refunded after the item returned in its original condition.

  • Items on sale and custom orders can't be returned or exchanged, unless they arrive damaged.


Conditions of return: 

Buyers are responsible for return postage costs. If the item is not returned in its original condition, the buyer is responsible for the loss in value.

Gift wrapping and packaging: 

The gift wrap design will be randomly selected, based on the availability of stock.

Questions about your order?

If you have any problems with your order, please kindly WhatsApp us +6580830978, contact us by using the form below, or send an email to


Phoenix Healing

I personally highly recommend the Phoenix Agarwood Oil. After using the Phoenix Agarwood Oil, I felt a deep sense of peace and calm in my heart. The Meridian Essential Oil has also been very effective in relieving the tension and tightness in my meridians.

I’m grateful for Mandala HeArt's meticulously crafted Phoenix Healing series products, which have greatly benefited the public! Thank you!

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The products and services offered by Mandala HeArt are based on the practical experience of spiritual masters and have not been independently verified through scientific research. These products and services are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical conditions, nor should they be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

For any health-related concerns, you should always consult a qualified healthcare professional before making any changes to your healthcare regimen. The information, products, and services provided by Mandala HeArt are intended solely for personal growth, self-exploration, and spiritual development. The results of engaging with these practices may vary from individual to individual, and no guarantees are made regarding specific outcomes.

By using our products or services, you acknowledge and agree that these practices are complementary in nature and not intended to replace conventional medical care. You should never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of information provided by Mandala HeArt.

Mandala HeArt products and services are for educational, informational, and self-awareness purposes only. They are not designed to diagnose, treat, or manage any medical conditions.

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